Sunday, September 23, 2007

Hurry Up & Wait...But Not from the Hospital Any More!!

While Eddie & Carol still have not heard the results of the pathology from the biopsy, there is some good news to report. It appears that they'll be able to leave the hospital this afternoon! Word is that Eddie's spirits are as good as they've been since this whole ordeal began. God is good!

Please continue to pray. Waiting for very serious medical lab results is...not fun at all. Know that your prayers are being felt by Eddie, Carol, & and the boys. (I had a very nice lunch with Andy Thursday, btw.)

In terms of ministry, I might suggest a couple of things. First, while their spirits are great and they're glad to be back home, please remember that Eddie is recovering from a surgical procedure on his head. Remember also that he's awaiting the most significant lab results of his entire life. So carefully consider that visits are tiring for Eddie & Carol. (Example: if only 5% of Temple Baptist members dropped by this week, that's over 200 people...probably a bit much!)

Second, in terms of hands-on ministry, food is probably the best plan for now. I anticipate that food will be coordinated from church to cut down on all of us dropping by. More later...

Please note that the comments about visiting here are Mike's...not Eddie & Carol's. Consider them as suggestions on how to guard Eddie's surgery recovery and how to help him prepare for whatever treatment plan lies ahead.

Thanks so much for your prayers and ministry in the lives of these who minister to so many others.


her said...

good news! Thanks Mike for keeping us updated! You are a real friend to the Bakers! I know they appreciate you so much!

Steve and I will keeping prayin for the week to come!

Love ya all!
Debi O

her said...

good news! Thanks Mike for keeping us updated on Eddie. I know they appreciate you so much!

You have been a true friend!

We will keep prayin for the week ahead....all our love

Joy,Debi O